What Causes Spider Veins On Face: Treatments & Prevention

Facial veins are capillaries, which are tiny blood vessels that occur just beneath the surface of your skin. When they are injured, they appear as little red, blue, or purple lines.

Facial veins are found on the nose, chin, and cheeks. While facial veins seldom cause pain or discomfort, they might make you feel self-conscious.

Let’s discuss the causes and treatments of Spider veins on the face and home cures and when to consult a doctor.


Sun Deterioration

Sun damage can cause blood vessels to expand and pull closer to the skin. When your skin is damaged by the sun, the top layer of skin might peel, exposing the blood vessels just beneath the skin.

Consuming Alcoholic Beverages

Temporary dilation of blood vessels can be caused by alcohol use. Frequent alcohol drinking may result in longer-lasting damaged blood vessels and facial redness.


People who have family relatives who have facial veins are more likely to develop them.

Environmental irritants

Exposure to certain chemicals or pollutants in the environment can cause skin damage and make blood vessels more apparent.



Retinoid cream for spider veins on face reduces the appearance of the veins while also improving skin health. They may, however, dry up the skin and cause irritation and redness where they are applied.


Sclerotherapy is a treatment that employs injections of sclerosing chemicals to assist spider veins to vanish in a short period, usually a few weeks.

Laser therapy

Laser treatment destroys troublesome veins by using powerful laser beams. However, laser treatment can cause skin damage, making it painful during recuperation.

Rely on professional help to eliminate spider veins on your face. Receiving treatment from a qualified vein care specialist reduces side effects like increased redness, itchiness, and scarring.

Your skin is precious and taking proper care of it can make a big difference in how you see yourself. Contact our office to schedule a free consultation to discuss your skincare needs.
